Running sneakers are expensive AF. There’s no way around it.
Sneakers are critical to a marathoner’s race day success. As much as one’s body pounds the pavement during training, for race day, you gotta find a good sneaker—the right sneaker.
So pretty much, the options are: Sacrifice Beyoncé ticket money for a good running shoe or get knee surgery at 65. Hmmmm...let me think about that one. Some say that the sneaker market is a racket, and with the prices that I’ve seen, I can’t say that I disagree.
In a previous marathon, I bought a pair of sneakers that were nearly two sizes too big. My feet did swell (so my feet weren’t entirely flopping out of the sneakers), but the size 11 sneakers weren’t the right fit. I got blisters on my feet and lost a pinky toenail (I have a photo of a hanging toenail as proof, but alas, I am too embarrassed to share with you, run team). Believe me when I tell you—it was horrible.
I’m not sure what caused this anguish. Is it that my shoes just weren’t the best quality (though I paid nearly $200 for them)? Were my sneakers just ill-fitting? Or is a jacked-up foot situation to be expected when running 26.2 miles?
Needless to say, I’m looking for a different running experience this time around. I need something that is more gentle on my feet. I have one flat foot (kind of odd that only one of my feet is flat), and I pronate when I run (read: my foot turns inwards), so I need a supportive shoe with a good insole. I need a Meg Thee Stallion-bounce in my knees for the entire race, y’all. Equally important: I need a cute shoe; please don’t expect me to run 26.2 miles looking like Who Shot John.

As some of you might have realized, I’m late to the sneaker-buying party this season. I have my last long run this weekend, so it’ll be my last chance to break in my sneakers.
With that in mind, I walked into an unidentified running store in New York City and with the help of a kind and patient salesman narrowed my options to two shoes: The Gel-Kayano by Asics, or the Adrenaline by Brooks. The Brooks feel super comfy and light, but look like granny sneakers. The Asics feel like a sturdier shoe—and come in some fly color combos—but they don’t have that same cushion I’d like for my knees. I tried on both this past weekend (and ran for a bit on a treadmill in the store), but I need to make a purchase soon. Both seem to have their benefits. Do I go with the Kayanos by Asics, or the Adrenaline by Brooks?
I mostly just want to be able to walk after the marathon. HALP!
I am running the New York City Marathon with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in honor of loved ones who have fallen to cancer. To donate, click here. I’ll see y’all at the finish line!