Bish, I Be Running Week 6: Fundraising Is ‘Fun’ (Said No One)

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Nah, legit though. You can donate in the link below.
Nah, legit though. You can donate in the link below.
Photo: Ashley Velez

So, I’m just under a month away from the New York City marathon.

Long runs are, well, long and my joints are starting to feel the mileage (don’t fret—these knees are getting iced on a regular). Every day, I have to remind myself to take it easy. I hydrate regularly and question whether or not I should be wearing heels (though more often than not, I opt for the heels—got to keep it cute). But of my pre-marathoning tasks, one seems particularly daunting: fundraising.

Ladies and gentlemen, I have to raise over three stacks ($3,000) ahead of the race. You see, I am running with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to cure blood cancers, and in honor of the many people I’ve known and loved who have lost their lives to cancer—this is why I decided to run.


I am well and able-bodied, so when I think about those who have lost their lives to blood cancer, I can’t really complain about fundraising. I’ve devised a new strategic plan when it comes to this fundraising campaign: Make it happen.

Image for article titled Bish, I Be Running Week 6: Fundraising Is ‘Fun’ (Said No One)
Photo: Ashley Velez

That said, my fundraising efforts have ramped up a bit. I’ve gone from a general email to family friends and Slack messages (in general work channels) to texts, DMs and calls. I’m hitting up errrybody. If you’re reading this blog and haven’t gotten a DM or text from me yet, know that it’s a comin.’

And it’s (somewhat) working!

I’ve found that in this fundraising game, there are several kinds of donors: the donor who immediately responds to a text/DM and donates. God bless you; the donor who responds to a text/DM and at some point gets around to donating (likely after payday); the donor who does not respond, but donates—so checking my donation page feels kind of like Christmas; and the donor who ghosts—perhaps I should refer to them as the donor who never was? Le sigh.


Ya girl is persistent. I’m coming for the donors who ghosted, adding fundraising links to my social profiles and calling all the aunties. I’m running for charity, guys.

Whoever said fundraising over $3,000 would be easy—and dare I say “fun”—lied. But, I’m not done just yet.


I am running the New York City Marathon with the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society in honor of loved ones who have fallen to cancer. To donate, click here. I’ll see y’all at the finish line!

Image for article titled Bish, I Be Running Week 6: Fundraising Is ‘Fun’ (Said No One)
Photo: Ashley Velez