Cry for white men, Argentina.
It seems that’s how it ought to be if you ask Bill O’Reilly. The Fox News TV host described Monday how he feels people are coming down on white men, Raw Story reports, and all of that dumping, O’Reilly suspects, will give Hillary Clinton a leg up during her 2016 bid for the White House.
“If you’re a Christian or a white man in America, it’s open season on you. Therefore, Hillary Clinton has an advantage,” O’Reilly said.
O’Reilly said Clinton would entice voters by promising to balloon government subsidies.
“She can run a general campaign: ‘First woman in the White House, and I’m gonna help you by increasing the entitlement society,’” O’Reilly said.
He then described the qualities that the Republican presidential candidate will need to have in order to beat Clinton: “It will take a very articulate and tough-minded Republican to defeat her.”
O’Reilly said he hopes Clinton doesn’t hinge her campaign on gender equality because he doesn’t think the issue “matters one bit.”
“I don’t think gender matters one bit,” O’Reilly said. “And if this ‘war on women’ business is resurrected, we’ll have something to say.”
Read more at Raw Story.