When Georgia gubernatorial candidate Michael Williams announced plans for his ridiculously bigoted and attention-seeking “Deportation Bus” tour on Tuesday, most sane people who aren’t xenophobic racists thought, “He can’t be serious.”
It turns out he was very serious, and on Thursday, he got his white ass on that bus and attempted to go harass immigrants in sanctuary cities throughout Georgia. Unfortunately for him, the bus broke down in between bigotry stops, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. Karma is indeed that bitch.
You know you have to be racist as fuck if even Cracker Barrel is not fucking with you. The Daily Beast reports that Williams had stops at 10 Cracker Barrel locations, prompting the restaurant chain to issue the following statement:
We are not sponsoring this event or supporting Mr. Williams’ campaign stops in any way, and per our company policy, we will not allow him—or any political candidate—to host an event on Cracker Barrel’s property. We take pride in showing our communities and our country that the hospitality we practice is indeed welcoming and inclusive to all.
That’s right. The same restaurant chain that admitted to racial discrimination and paid out an $8.7 million settlement in 2004 was like, “This is a bit too racist, even for us.”
According to Snopes, even YouTube was offended by Williams’ racist campaign ad—at least briefly. Less than 24 hours after it had been posted, the video service without explanation temporarily removed Williams’ video in which he discussed his “Deportation Bus” tour and replaced it with a notice that said the video violated YouTube’s policy on hate speech.
Williams’ campaign responded with a statement that read:
The liberal media and liberal companies can’t silence us. We will keep fighting against radical liberalism and illegal aliens, but I need your help. Donate to my campaign. 100 percent of your donation will fund more television and radio advertisements.
Georgia can’t afford eight years of bought-and-paid-for leadership. Donate to elect a pro-Trump conservative.
YouTube restored the video a few hours later, again with no explanation.
According to the AJC, when Williams did successfully make stops on his so-called tour, he was met by more protesters than supporters, so there’s that.
The resounding message appears to be, “Get that bullshit out of here.”