During Black History Month, select Walgreens stores across the country will give special recognition to the chain's African-American vendor partners as part of its Community Corner initiative showcasing products produced by minority-owned businesses. The initiative, now in its second year, allows Walgreens consumers to easily identify products by diverse vendors through displays, in-store signage and announcements, national print and radio advertisements, in-store product demonstrations and a new Community Corner sticker that will be placed on each featured item.
Throughout February, the products produced by the African-American-owned businesses will be featured in more than 2,500 Walgreens stores. The products will also be available for up to 50 percent off the regular price at Walgreens.com/cc. Companies include Anika Labs, Bronner Brothers, Danielle Ashley Communications, Firstline Mfg. Corp., Gallery Guichard, Hightime Products, Johnson Products, Luster Products, Namaste Laboratories, Nicene Brands, Popcorn and More, Professional Products Unlimited, Reggios Pizza, Summit Laboratories, the Crutcher Marketing Group and the Pepsom Group. Now, that's putting your money where your mouth is during Black History Month.
Read more at News at Walgreens.
In other news: Halle Berry Quits Film to Focus on Custody Battle.