When Beyoncé's Tumblr launched last week, the Internet flipped out over her personal photos. This week the singer is also sharing her personal feelings in a gushing handwritten note to first lady Michelle Obama, posted on her website.
In it she calls the first lady the "ultimate example of a truly strong African American woman" and says, "no matter the pressure, and the stress of being under a microscope, she's humble, loving, and sincere. She builds and nurtures her family, while also looking out for so many millions in so many ways."
Although she and Jay-Z don't have the weight of the entire nation's problems on their shoulders the way Barack and Michelle Obama do, Beyoncé can certainly relate to the "under a microscope" component of the first lady's life — and it seems that being a new mother has given her a new appreciation for what it takes to balance that with raising a family.
The note closes with, "I am proud to have my daughter grow up in a world where she has people like you, to look up to."
Read more at The Root DC.