(The Root) — A sketch of Beyoncé by designer Roberto Cavalli is causing a stir on Twitter and Instragram. The designer shared this sketch of Beyoncé in a custom gown for her Mrs. Carter tour, featuring Bey with extra-long, superthin, barely human legs.
The sketch is off-putting, especially considering Beyoncé's vocal love of her curves and rumored abhorrence of being photoshopped to appear thinner. But Cavalli also provided a picture of Beyoncé in the actual dress, and cries of "OMG, what on earth is this?!" gave way to shouts of "You better work!"
Here's Beyoncé in the dress portrayed in the sketch, and here's some of what folks are saying about it all on Twitter.
Read more at the Huffington Post.
Roberto Cavalli halfs Beyonce in size Wtf twitter.com/jazzbankss/sta…
— Jazz Banks (@jazzbankss) June 11, 2013
“@roberto_cavalli: #RobertoCavalli sketch for @beyonce! twitter.com/Roberto_Cavall…” this is not Beyoncé, it's a stick insect.
— Beau follow me!(@SamG4L) June 11, 2013
Tracy Clayton is a writer, humorist and blogger from Louisville, Ky.