During Tuesday night’s star-studded Hand in Hand: A Benefit for Hurricane Relief telethon, celebrities raised more than $44 million for hurricane survivors, including a $5 million donation from Apple Inc., and $1 million each from the Albertsons Cos. and Merck & Co. In addition, celebrities offered strong opinions about climate change and global warming.
Before his performance, Stevie Wonder had a few words for those global warming and climate change deniers.
“We’ve come together today to love on the people that have been devastated by the hurricanes. When love goes into action, it prefaces no color of skin, no ethnicity, no religious beliefs, no sexual preferences and no political persuasions. It just loves,” Wonder said.
“As we should begin to love and value our planet,” he continued, “and anyone who believes there is no such thing as global warming must be blind or unintelligent. Lord, save us all.”
Definitely sounds like he’s talking about a certain president we all know.
As a Houstonian, Beyoncé urged people to donate needed items such as clothing, shoes and diapers. She also pointed out that natural disasters do not discriminate.
“During the time where it’s impossible to watch the violence or racism in this country, just when you think it couldn’t possibly get worse, natural disasters take precious life, do massive damage and forever change lives, leaving behind contaminated waters, flooded hospitals, schools and nursing homes. And countless families are now homeless,” she said.
“In my hometown city of Houston, people need food, clothing and cleaning supplies, blankets, shoes, diapers and formula for babies and, of course, clean water. The elderly need wheelchairs, and kids need books and toys so they can continue to dream,” she continued.
She went on to say: “Natural disasters don’t discriminate. They don’t see if you’re an immigrant, black or white, Jewish or Muslim, wealthy or poor. It doesn’t matter if you’re from 3rd Ward or River Oaks, we’re all in this together.”
Proceeds from the telethon will benefit the Rebuild Texas Fund, Direct Relief, Feeding Texas, Habitat for Humanity, the Mayor’s Fund for Hurricane Harvey Relief, Save the Children and United Way of Greater Houston.