If there’s one thing we’ve learned about Beyoncé, it’s that when the Queen Bey is silent, it usually means she’s getting ready to bestow some blessings upon us. Whether that means new music, a paradigm-shifting performance, or one of the most resplendent and referenced maternity shoots in recent memory—well, that’s harder to predict.
But! Allegedly! According to a source who spoke to US Weekly, Beyoncé is back in the studio working on some new music “[for] a deluxe album filled with old songs.” While the source said the new material would only consist of a couple tracks, it would be the first work she’s done solo since 2016's surprise visual album, Lemonade.
The deluxe album may or may not be tied to an upcoming Netflix project, which another source told US “will be tied to her Coachella 2018 performance.” Allegedly! There will also be additional footage.
Get ready for your friends to perfect that two hours of Beyoncé choreo they’ve been working on since April of last year. This is, of course, assuming they haven’t yet (never underestimate the creative and investigative powers of the Beyhive).
Naturally, there’s no sense of a release date for either of these projects. You’ll get them when Beyoncé is good and goddamn ready, and you will deal.