In the midst of the conversation raging about gun control and the possible renewal of an assault-weapons ban, New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow warns Americans to pay careful attention to the radical language some extremists are using.
These extremists make sensible, reasonable gun control hard to discuss, let alone achieve in this country, because they skew the conversations away from common-sense solutions on which both rational gun owners and non-gun owners can agree.
These people, a vocal minority, have extreme fears — gun confiscation, widespread civil instability, a tyrannical government — from which they are preparing to defend themselves with arsenals of weapons and stockpiles of ammunition.
If you pay attention to the right-wing's rhetoric, you can hear a string of code words that feed the fears of these people and paralyze progress.
A collection of conservative groups have declared Jan. 19, during the weekend celebrating President Obama's inauguration and Martin Luther King's Birthday, as Gun Appreciation Day.
Read Charles M. Blow's entire piece at New York Times.
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