Betsy DeVos Is Now the 2nd Worst Person in the Trump Administration After Defending Nearly $18 Million In Cuts to Special Olympics

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Education Secretary Betsy DeVos may have just edged out the Devil’s mouthpiece press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders and is closing in on Trump for “Most hated member of this entire vomit-inducing administration” after defending budget cuts to....wait for it... the Special Olympics.

You have to be pretty dam low to cut funding to the Special Olympics, and while appearing before a House subcommittee Tuesday to review her department’s propose budget, DeVos not only was OK with the cuts but she defended them, noting “We had to make some difficult decisions.”

According to The Hill, “DeVos’ remarks came in response to questions from Rep. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.), who pressed her on the amount of kids the budget cut would impact.”


“I don’t know the number of kids,” DeVos said because she doesn’t give AF. Pocan had to tell her that 272,000 kids would be impacted.


“I think Special Olympics is an awesome organization, one that is well supported by the philanthropic sector as well,” DeVos said.

DeVos’ department calls for....wait for it..nearly $18 million in cuts to THE SPECIAL OLYMPICS!


Politico notes that just last year, DeVos donated a portion of her salary to the Special Olympics, but I’m sure the Special Olympics would give her portion of her salary back to have their $18 million in funding.

DeVos time in front of the panel was a hot mess as she does what she’s always done, which is not know what the fuck she’s doing while wearing that Avon saleslady smile and sounding completely fucking lost.


When grilled about the $1 billion she wasted on charter schools, DeVos was all “uhhh...I don’t know.” When asked about how she was going to recoup taxpayers’ money, she glazed over her paperwork. When asked to answer yes or no as to whether she planned to invest more into charter schools that discriminate against student’s sexual orientation or gender, DeVos just couldn’t answer anything.

DeVos is the direct product of cronyism at its worst. She’s in over her head for what basically amounts to a pet project for a rich housewife.


DeVos has repeatedly attempted to cut funding for the Special Olympics since she started running the Department of Education in 2017. Rep. Barbara Lee (D-Calif.) said, “I still can’t understand why you would go after disabled children in your budget. It’s appalling,” The Washington Post reports.

ESPN’s Julie Foudy, Kevin Negandhi and Jen Lada took to social media Tuesday to laud the benefits of the Special Olympics.


Negandhi noted that the pleasure of the past five years of covering the Special Olympics has been “watching the growth, confidence and true happiness from the athletes and their families has changed my life.”


He added: “You realize what is most important — to live life without judgement, [with] an open mind and heart.” he added. Negandhi then posted some of the photos Special Olympics participants and showed how their lives have been changed.


Hopefully someone can show this post to this heartless bitch who, while cutting funding to the Special Olympics, has increased money to chartered schools.