BET's First Original Documentary Debuts Tonight

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BET is stepping up its game and airing its first original documentary, My Mic Sounds Nice: A Truth about Women and Hip-Hop, tonight. Directed by Ava DuVernay, the documentary tackles issues facing women in hip-hop, from access to treatment to representation and hip-hop cultural norms — e.g., a man always having to introduce a female emcee to the scene. DuVernay examines the tumultuous terrain that young black women must battle in order to get into the hip-hop scene, even today. The show is scheduled to air on BET at 9 p.m. EDT. Big props to BET for finally allowing women in hip-hop to show that they are much more than objects of desire, and to DuVernay for telling a much needed story.

Read more at EURweb. Check out the teaser below: