Belts, Cords or Switches: Let's Stop Hitting Our Kids

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In a piece at, Nikki Woods, The Tom Joyner Morning Show's senior producer, explains why she has a problem with the viral video of a father who has been indicted on charges of child endangerment and child abuse after whipping his two teenaged daughters for "twerking." She also says it should spark a larger conversation about ending corporal punishment in the black community.

I just hope some of the conversation brings about change and not just more of the same. At some point we have to realize that everything our parents and grandparents did wasn't right, and perhaps there are options to physical discipline.

In defense of hitting our children we are quick to paraphrase Proverbs 13:24.

Now before you demand that I turn in my "black" card, hear me out. I'm in no way advocating that children be able to get away with bad behavior. The Bible says spare the rod and spare the child. The verse from Proverbs goes on to say, "He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him."

So let me repeat: I'm in no way advocating that children be able to get away with bad behavior. In fact, I'm advocating the opposite.

Read Nikki Woods' entire piece at

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