Damon 'the Champ' Young and Panama Jackson: Very Smart Brothas
If you're looking for frank relationship advice, this blog is a must-read. Here, Young and Jackson give their witty take on everything from online dating to "10 Reasons Why You're Not Married." The Root interviewed the duo to discuss their self-published book, Your Degrees Won't Keep You Warm at Night: The Very Smart Brothas Guide to Dating, Mating, and Fighting Crime, a hilarious extension of the blog. Follow them on Twitter @VerySmartBros.
Captions by Kristilyn Whigham
Demetria Lucas: A Belle in Brooklyn
On her blog, Essence magazine's relationship editor dishes about dating, love, pop culture and current events. True to her ability to jump out ahead of the tech curve, the black Carry Bradshaw even offers her advice on Formspring, a question-and-answer platform. Watch out for her first book, A Belle in Brooklyn: Your Go-to Girl for Advice on Living Your Best Single Life (Atria), in June. Follow her on Twitter @abelleinbk.
Jozen Cummings: Until I Get Married
The 29-year-old bachelor details the ups and downs of dating in his blog. This single man makes no excuses in his daily posts about the life he lives, but he often lets his soft side slip with sentimental posts such as "This Is What a Happy Couple Looks Like." One to watch, he was recently profiled in the Washington Post. Follow him on Twitter @Jozenc.
Claire Sulmers: The Fashion Bomb Daily
Are you into fashion and can't seem to find a blog that gives you the right dose of celebrities, latest trends and fashion-show reviews? Sulmers' blog is a must-visit destination for black fashionistas. If you think your style is up there with Rihanna's and Beyoncé's, then you can submit photos to "Fashion Bombshell of the Day," a feature of the website that showcases the hottest readers' looks. Follow her on Twitter @thefashionbomb.
Glenn Antoine Palmer: The Gentlemen's Standard
Who says that women are the only ones into fashion? You won't say that if you've visited Palmer's blog, the ultimate man's-man guide to fashion and style. Looking for a new suit? Palmer has you covered. There's a reason Palmer describes his blog as "sophisticated perspective for the distinguished man of color."
Leila Noelliste: Black Girl With Long Hair
There's an abundance of natural-hair websites, but Noelliste sets her blog apart by continually engaging with her readers. Readers are encouraged to write in with their hair dilemmas and are featured quite regularly on the website's "Style Icon" feature. So if you are ever having a bad hair day and need just a little reinforcement, head over to Black Girl With Long Hair. Follow her on Twitter @bglhonline.
Gabi Gregg: Young Fat & Fabulous
While some of you might know Gregg as the Twitter Jockey at MTV who spends her days tweeting and blogging about the latest news at the music channel, you might not know that she got her start by writing at her own site. Part photo diary, part fashion inspiration, Gregg's site motivates women to embrace fashion no matter what size they are. Follow her on Twitter @gabifresh.
Necole Bitchie: Necole Bitchie
Blogger Necole Bitchie has created not only a website that features the latest and juiciest celebrity news but also a place online where young women (and men, too) come to gossip about fashion and entertainment news. With her unique personal story, Necole has successfully built a brand around her name that also includes a recently launched lifestyle website, Bitchie Life, and a soon-to-drop clothing line, Born Bitchie. Follow her on Twitter @necolebitchie.
Angela Laws: Concrete Loop
One of the first urban gossip websites, Concrete Loop was started when founder Laws couldn't find photos of her favorite black celebrities. That was back in 2005. Now the blog, with its innovative Web design, is the go-to online resource for music exclusives, fashion tips, and even news and political posts. Watch out for her first book: Angela's Laws of Blogging: What You Need to Know If You Want to Have a Successful and Profitable Blog. Follow her on Twitter @angelonfire.
Natasha Eubanks: Young Black and Fabulous
Looking for a blog that gives you your daily dose of photos plus hilarious commentary? Eubanks, founder and resident blogger, gives you the latest fashion no-nos and ceaseless side-eyes at pop-culture gaffes that will have your entire office chuckling. Follow her on Twitter @theybf.
Cheryl Contee and Baratunde Thurston: Jack & Jill Politics
Contee says that Jack & Jill Politics is "the black bourgeoisie perspective on U.S. politics," where the focus is on life beyond Louboutins and hanging out on Circuit Avenue in Oak Bluffs. They're too busy posting a quick-and-dirty torrent of blog entries on everything that liberal news junkies and Obama watchers care about. Follow her on Twitter @ch3ryl and him @baratunde.
Ta-Nehisi Coates: Ta-Nehisi News
Coates' blog on the Atlantic is required reading for those with intellectual aspirations and even political ones, or those who are just interested in a substantive approach to black culture. Coates is a master at delivering the reasoned argument while taking down the fallacies of those he doesn't agree with, one by one. Follow him on Twitter @tanehisi.
Lauren Victoria Burke: Crew of 42
A former Capitol Hill staffer and political journalist, Burke exhaustively covers the members of the Congressional Black Caucus — and the president, too. In addition to hard-hitting posts on the latest legislation and votes, the blog also features hard-to-find photos from the organization's 40-year history. Follow her on Twitter @crewof42.
Patrice Elizabeth Grell Yursik: Afrobella
Yursik's blog celebrating black beauty is a blogosphere gem. It focuses not just on natural hair but on the social dynamics that shape the relationships each of us has with the skin we're in. The site also features product reviews, makeup tips and giveaways. Follow her on Twitter @afrobella.
Gene Demby: PostBourgie
Demby, the founder and self-proclaimed "ring leader" of the blog, has created a witty space on the Web where a wide range of writers and bloggers come to discuss the intersection of race, politics and class. Follow them on Twitter @postbourgie.
Wain Bennett: The Field Negro Blog
This isn't a blog for the easily offended. Though much of Bennett's writings about the day's top headlines is very tongue-in-cheek, it allows for candid discussion about important issues in our community, from school violence to the military action in Libya. But the best part of the blog is the comments section, where readers let loose, and where Bennett is not afraid to engage in debate himself.
Gina McCauley: What About Our Daughters
Created by Blogging While Brown founder McCauley, What About Our Daughters is "unapologetic, uncompromising, and unbowed in defense of black women and girls." It's the place to go for consensus and confirmation when the world presents disparaging and negative images of black women. The blog not only gets our blood boiling but also encourages us to move into action. Follow her on Twitter @bwbconference.
Tambay Obenson: Shadow and Act
The go-to website for the latest news on black Hollywood, Shadow and Act also serves up media and film news from the entire African Diaspora. Obenson has created a blog overflowing with new documentaries and films from mother Africa, and even the latest competitions and festivals for budding filmmakers. It's often the first place we turn to for up-to-date info about black actors and actresses, where you always hear it first. Follow him on Twitter @shadowandact.
Danielle Belton: The Black Snob
Belton brings a knowing voice with her analytic take on everything from politics to pop culture. Belton, plainly put, is your BFF who just happens to be an expert on a wide range of topics. Follow her on Twitter @blacksnob.
Richard Prince: Richard Prince's Journal-isms
Prince's blog is a must-read resource for diversity in the newsroom. Also appearing on The Root, the blog features the latest job moves of top reporters and media executives and even prods more companies to consider more diverse candidates. Follow him on Twitter @princeeditor.
Latoya Peterson: Racialicious
Edited by Peterson, a regular contributor to The Root, the blog offers readers a daily dose of provocative news and commentary. Racialicious prides itself on frank and honest discussions and really seeks to examine how race shapes not just our identity but also our daily lives. Follow Peterson on Twitter @RACIALICIOUS.
Omoyele Sowore: Sahara Reporters
Sahara Reporters is an online community of international reporters and social advocates covering Nigeria. With its exclusive photos and videos, Sowore's blog is the ultimate resource for all things Nigeria. We can't wait until he expands to other nations in the African Diaspora. Follow him on Twitter @saharareporters.
Winston 'Stone' Ford: The Couch Sessions
The Couch Sessions, launched by Ford in 2005, is the go-to destination for music lovers in search of underground and alternative acts in hip-hop, electronica, house, rock and R&B. From Rafael Saadiq to Odd Future to urban-music acts you've never heard of here and abroad, the Couch Sessions has its fingers on the pulse of the music trends that don't always find their way to the mainstream outlets. Follow it on Twitter @couchsessions.
Sanura Weathers: My Life Runs on Food
You can't go to Weathers' blog without falling in (culinary) love. With every food recipe imaginable, her delectable posts will have you trying to lick the computer screen. The blog's emphasis is on healthful fare made from organic ingredients. The result? Lip-smackingly good food. Weathers also provides restaurant reviews and how-to guides for creating savory holiday dinners. Follow her on Twitter @sanurajamila.
Kimberly Hines: Soul Bounce
Hines has created an outlet to hear alternative and progressive artists often neglected by the mainstream music press. Some of the blog's highlights are its contests, giveaways and video throwbacks, but its extensive reviews, interviews and engaging editorials will keep you coming back, too. Follow her on Twitter at @soulbounce.
Erika Nicole Kendall: A Black Girl's Guide to Weight Loss
Kendall's blog offers practical tools for putting a weight-loss plan into motion. With easy-to-make recipes and new and innovative exercises, Kendall has built a supportive community that builds you up and never tears you down. Follow her on Twitter @inetespionage.
Toni Carey and Ashley Hicks: Black Girls Run!
Black Girls Run! was created by Carey, a publicist, and Hicks, a documentary filmmaker, to counter obesity in the black community. It has morphed into an online handbook for everything from marathons to the right running shoes. A must for wannabe exercisers looking for a little motivation and encouragement. Follow Carey and Hicks on Twitter @blackgirlsrun.
Tamu McPherson: All the Pretty Birds
On All the Pretty Birds, jet-setting fashion photographer McPherson captures the majesty of individual street style. Inspired by her belief that people express themselves through fashion choices, McPherson's breathtaking blog, updated every day with photos of fashionistas on the streets of Milan, reveals the depth and beauty of street style and serves as inspiration for everyone from seasoned designers to plain old fashion lovers. Follow her on Twitter @prettybirds.
Nikki Walton: Curly Nikki
Dubbed the online "hair-therapy session" for women longing to embrace their curly locks, Curly Nikki provides women with all they need to know about natural-hair care. Founded by Walton, a licensed psychotherapist, the blog is keen on dismissing the idea that natural hair is always a political statement. Instead, Curly Nikki offers readers' regimens, celebrity advice and fun tips for maintaining a chemical-free mane. Follow her on Twitter @curlynikki.
Jay Smooth: The Ill Doctrine
Jay Smooth's The Ill Doctrine is a must-watch for black-blog readers everywhere. Smooth, whose vlog has produced several viral videos, combines his vast knowledge of music and black history with clever social commentary. Whether it's Nate Dogg's passing, the fledging economy or Christine O'Donnell's shenanigans, expect Smooth to weigh in on pressing issues with his quick wit and rhetoric genius. Follow him on Twitter @jsmooth995.