Barack Obama Releases Statement On Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Former President Obama calls on 'people of conscience' to condemn Russia's excursion into Ukraine.

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Former US President Barack Obama gestures as he speaks during a round table meeting at the University of Strathclyde on November 08, 2021, in Glasgow, Scotland.
Former US President Barack Obama gestures as he speaks during a round table meeting at the University of Strathclyde on November 08, 2021, in Glasgow, Scotland.
Photo: Jeff J Mitchell (Getty Images)

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues, former U.S. Presidents such as George W. Bush and Jimmy Carter have spoken up about their concerns and condemned the events that have transpired. According to The Hill, former president Barack Obama has joined voices of the international community stating Russia’s attack is a “violation of international law” and the “basic principles of human decency” in a statement he released.

From The Hill:

“People of conscience around the world need to loudly and clearly condemn Russia’s actions and offer support for the Ukrainian people. And every American, regardless of party, should support President Biden’s efforts, in coordination with our closest allies, to impose hard-hitting sanctions on Russia — sanctions that impose a real price on Russia’s autocratic elites,” Obama wrote.


Former President Obama also noted the historical implications of this event–stating the consequences of Russia’s “illegal” and “reckless actions” will extend beyond Ukraine’s borders.

“For some time now, we have seen the forces of division and authoritarianism make headway around the world, mounting an assault on the ideals of democracy, rule of law, equality, individual liberty, freedom of expression and worship, and self-determination. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine shows where these dangerous trends can lead — and why they cannot be left unchallenged,” he said.


Obama also spoke to ramifications with sanctions and how they may serve a greater good in the long run:

“There may be some economic consequences to such sanctions, given Russia’s significant role in world energy markets. But that’s a price would be willing to pay to take a stand on the side of freedom,” he continued. “For over the long term, we all face a choice, between a world in which might makes right and autocrats are free to impose their will through force, or a world in which free people everywhere have the power to determine their own future.”


Yesterday, President Joe Biden imposed a new round of sanctions against Russia, including export blocks on technology, Russian banks, and “corrupt billionaires” and their families close to the Kremlin. Read the complete statement below.