Bar Owner Apologizes for Michael Brown Shot Special

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Owners of a bar in St. Joseph, Mo., apologized this month after offering a Michael Brown six-shot special, Fox 4 News reports. The unarmed Brown was fatally shot by Officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Mo., on Aug. 9, with at least six bullets striking the 18-year-old. The killing touched off protests that continue across the nation.

Mug Shots bar stopped offering the special shortly after a photo of the promotion showed up on social media Dec. 6, igniting a fresh controversy and stirring debate on the bar’s Facebook page, the report says.

“It’s not meant to cause any harm,” an owner of the bar, who asked not to be identified, told Fox 4. “I should have thought a little bit more about it before I made it a shot special.” He said he borrowed the idea from local competitors.


“It looked like it was getting a good response, so I just decided to use it here,” he told the station. “That’s what bar owners do if they find something works at another bar: They try to use it at their bar.”

Brian Kline, who is associated with the St. Joseph Anonymous group, told the station he had planned to join other protesters outside the bar but instead spoke with one of the owners to express his frustration with the drink special. “We’re not out here to burn anything down or anything like that, but you know, we talked it out,” Kline told Fox 4 News.

Read more at Fox 4 News.