You haven’t lived until you’ve had your ass whooped.
Ask Cam Coldheart. Ask Fred and E. Ness. Ask Anthony Joshua.
It might sound absurd, but until you peel yourself off the floor with a compound fracture in your pride and a busted nose, you’ve probably been out here wildin’, acting like you’re invincible. But a well-timed ass whooping will humble you and cordially introduce you to the consequences of your actions.
To that end, the Baltimore Sun reports that Baltimore Mayor Jack Young is super cool on niggas shooting each other up in his city and has offered a novel idea to curb rampant gun violence: Throw hands.
“If they want to really settle them, we can have them down at the Civic Center [now called Royal Farms Arena], put a boxing ring up, let them go and box it out, those kind of things,” Young said on Sunday during the “Bmore United” anti-gun violence rally. “[May] the best man win, and the beef should be over. Those are some kinds of things I’m thinking about, and hoping that we can get these people to put these guns down.”
I couldn’t agree more.
Instead of hiding behind guns and losing our lives over minor issues, shoot the fair one, let that shit go and live to see another day.
The Mayor’s proclamation comes on the heels of a series of shootings in which a 17-year-old teenager lost his life while four others were injured.
“We saw what happened last week with the young people in our city, and we want to make sure we are supportive of them,” Baltimore’s State Attorney Marilyn Mosby said. “It’s time for us collectively to come together and change the trajectory and find productive activities for our young people, especially when we know they’re getting out of school.”
With National Gun Violence Awareness Day coming on June 7, the rally served as both a prelude and demonstration of the city’s commitment to eliminating the gun violence plaguing the city. A series of weekend “pop-up” events focusing on youth engagement are also scheduled to take place on Fridays throughout the summer with the intent to “focus on our babies before it’s too late.”
“There’s too many young children dying on the street today,” Dawn Means, who heads Walk By Faith’s children’s ministry, said. “Something needs to be done.”
And as Mayor Young noted, a good place to start might be a boxing ring.