You know, I think I’ve told the story of how Very Smart Brothas came to be a million times at this point. In fact, Damon and I have done it so much I’m fairly certain I know exactly what he’s going to say before he says it. But what neither of us has spent a ton of time talking about, individually and as a collective is our pre-VSB writing journey. VSB didn’t just start one day in March 2008, we had a whole history, separately before then. Liz, our famous third co-founder was instrumental to me ever even getting into blogging.
So I decided to share that backstory. From my origins writing bad poetry (though I suppose those writing origins go back to 2nd grade but I skipped over those years) to discovering blogs because of my homey and Morehouse brother, Calvin, to Liz setting up a blog for me and the rest being history. I got so many random opportunities because I started blogging, from writing for Allhiphop.com to managing a nightclub and everywhere in-between.
Seems like as good a time as ever to share that story, so join me in on this solo mission down memory lane, A Life in a Day of Panama Jackson’s writing journey.
Links below!
Have a Black one.
Thanks, Obama.