Bad News: ‘Less Leslie’ is Leaving The Root. That’s Also the Good News.

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Folks, the editors here are kicking me to the curb. They said I didn’t lose enough weight for them to allow me to continue. I was so depressed, I baked a cake and ate the whole thing.

(Are you actually falling for any of this?)

Seriously, though, they are kicking me out. Because I have a nine-minute memory span, I honestly cannot recall all the details of the conversation, but the reasons have something to do with a coming redesign, and therefore ditching bloggers for space considerations, and of course $$$.

My blog started on the Root in mid-February with the ambitious goal of losing 100 pounds in one year. Why not? Other people have done it. But while I had dropped as much as 50 pounds at one point, I’ve put quite a bit of that back on.


I’ve always tried to be as honest and upfront as possible, but I wasn’t comfortable dealing with certain subjects, so my regular readers – and boy, do I love you guys! – never really got the full story about all the things I’ve been going through, and there’s been a lot of deep stuff.


Well, all that’s changing. Writing, for me, has always been cathartic, and lately it hasn’t been because I’ve been reluctant – afraid? – to be as truthful as necessary to continue in this forum. As a result, I’ve been the only one hurting, the only one stressed out, the only one awake all hours of the night.


And the only one (re)gaining weight.

The good news is, I’m stronger than ever. 2010 was a great year for me, one of personal and professional growth. And yes, emotional growth, because I can now tell you this: I’ve been married 24 years. There may not be a 25th.


No, don’t feel sorry for me. I believe it’s the best thing under the circumstances, and I firmly believe we’ll both be a lot happier with each other as a result. I know I certainly will. The thing is, though, carrying around this extra set of baggage, if you will, has definitely contributed to extra baggage around my hips.

But that’s what I love about the promise of a new year, and I’ve promised myself to be a lot more open and honest with people, because that’s the type of person I really am, and I’m looking forward to finding my way back to My Authentic Self.


And dropping the rest of this weight in the process, because ain’t nothing authentic or good about carrying around a bunch of extra weight, eating high-fat foods and making up excuses for not going to the gym at least 3-4 days a week.

I did mention that it was also good news that I’m leaving the Root, and here’s why: This Wednesday I’m launching my new Less Leslie site, where I’ll continue blogging about my weight-loss antics, but also include a lot of news and tidbits about health, exercise, food and recipes, gossip and other good stuff. I’m especially looking forward to seeing all of your comments, and maybe getting into some great debates.


As for the Root, I’ve been asked to consider writing some commentary once or twice a month, and it’s a safe bet I’ll take these good editors up on their offer. Lord knows I have plenty of opinions about all kinds of stuff, not just weight-related topics.

Folks, it’s been a wild ride. The saga continues starting this Wednesday over at I’m still tweaking and fixing the site, so don’t start criticizing my work before then. You know how you people are . . .


Onward and upward, xoxoxo.

Cheers to a new year and another chance for us to get it right. ~ Oprah Winfrey

Leslie J. Ansley is an award-winning journalist and entrepreneur who blogs daily for TheRoot. She lives in Raleigh, NC.