From questionable voter-ID laws to confusing finances, Charles M. Blow writes in the New York Times, the waters are just right for Romney to make his way into the White House in November. Of course, if voters began to pay more attention to the numerous losses they are suffering on a daily basis, perhaps that would incite the anger needed to make people active in this presidential campaign for President Barack Obama.
There was a saying I heard growing up in Louisiana: "Bad money doesn't spend right."
On Wednesday, a judge in Pennsylvania who is a Republican refused to block a ridiculously restrictive, Republican-backed voter identification law from going into effect in the state, which is a critical swing state. Surprise, surprise.
And to add insult to injury, The Philadelphia Inquirer reported Friday: "On the same day a judge cleared the way for the state's new voter identification law to take effect, the Corbett administration abandoned plans to allow voters to apply online for absentee ballots for the November election and to register online to vote."
Corbett is Tom Corbett, the Republican governor of the state.
Read Charles M. Blow's entire piece at the New York Times.
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