Barack Obama has failed black and Hispanic Americans as unemployment soars to depression-era levels, Republican presidential hopeful Rep. Michele Bachmann has claimed.
We had no idea minority unemployment was one of this Tea Party conservative's key issues. Oh, wait, it was just a cheap talking point:
"This president has failed the Hispanic community. He has failed the African-American community," Bachmann said while delivering a speech at The Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans last week. "He has failed us all when it comes to jobs."
Bachmann, who hopes to snag the Republican presidential nomination for 2012, said, "The status quo certainly isn't working for the African-American community, with 16 percent unemployment, or the Hispanic community, with nearly 12 percent unemployment."
"It's even worse for the youth: For Hispanic youth right now, 26 percent unemployment; for African-American youth, 40 percent unemployment," she continued.
Source: AOL Black Voices.
Whether different policies — or a different president — could have done more to improve the dismal unemployment situation in the black community is the subject of a legitimate debate in which smart people of all races and on both sides of the aisle disagree.
Whether this commentary reflected sincere concern about the issue or a convenient and targeted political jab on Bachmann's part … not so much.
Read more at AOL Black Voices.
In other news: North Carolina Considers Payments to Sterilization Victims.
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