Is there anything Ava DuVernay can’t do? She’s given us an Oscar-nominated documentary on the U.S. prison system, become the first black woman to direct a big-budget live-action film, and now the Selma director will take on a superhero film set in the DC Extended Universe.
Variety reports that DuVernay will direct New Gods, based on the DC Comics series of the same name. This will be the second major superhero film directed by a woman since Patty Jenkins directed the DC comic-turned-film Wonder Woman.
From Variety:
The New Gods are natives of the twin planets of New Genesis and Apokolips. New Genesis is an idyllic planet ruled by the Highfather, while Apokolips is a dystopia filled with machinery and fire pits — ruled by the tyrant Darkseid. New Genesis and Apokolips call themselves gods, living outside of normal time and space in a realm known as the Fourth World.
Disney’s A Wrinkle In Time, which DuVernay directed, opened in theaters March 9. The film, which had a production budget of $100 million, has grossed $42.2 million in its first six days in North America.
DuVernay tweeted late last year that her favorite superhero of all time is Big Barda—one of the New Gods—so it’s only fitting that she direct the film.