The Simpsons, television's longest-running American sitcom and the longest-running American animated program, will…
The Simpsons, television's longest-running American sitcom and the longest-running American animated program, will…
Eight years ago, the Obama family walked into our lives with dignity and grace. And on Monday, President Barack…
Black-ish is about to get Trump-ish on its Wednesday episode, titled "Lemons."
It seems as though Chris Brown and Soulja Boy have way too much time on their hands and have decided to have their…
People have seriously lost their minds when it comes to raising their racist freak flags. And now it's cost a Dairy…
Jenna Bush Hager issued a mea culpa after embarrassing herself during a red-carpet interview with Pharrell Williams…
In 11 days, President Barack Obama leaves office and all the work he has accomplished will seemingly be undone.…
"Disrespect invites disrespect. Violence incites violence. And when the powerful use their position to bully others,…
Not only did black Hollywood shine during Sunday night's Golden Globes, but one actress also made history. Black-ish…
We know Viola Davis is a star, but now she has her own star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. On Thursday, Meryl Streep…
When you don't have a budget for licensed music, you gotta do what you gotta do. And on Thursday night's The Late…
Maybe they don't make toddlers like they used to?
The person who runs Yahoo! Finance's Twitter account should probably learn how to proofread the tweets before either…
Kim Burrell may have God on her side, but God couldn't save her radio show.
Nicki Minaj has put the rumors to rest and officially announced that she's single and no longer with her purse holder…
Ain't no party like a White House party … well, that's been the case for the last eight years; I'm not quite sure…
It seems as though Azealia Banks' social media accounts are dwindling. Last year, she was banned from Twitter after…
Editor’s note: This post contains tweets that some may find offensive.
White* people do the darnedest things. Especially when it comes to comedy and television. But on the upcoming season…
It seems as though President-elect Tangerine is having a hard time trying to get people to perform at the end of the…