These are delicious. There’s another kind with a mermaid on it I think. NEVER GET THOSE! These are awesome.
These are delicious. There’s another kind with a mermaid on it I think. NEVER GET THOSE! These are awesome.
Literally have a can of lime up to my lips as I scroll.
Yes this stuff is excellent!
Not a fan of the berry flavor, but the mango and the grapefruit flavors are great. Polar has a mint mojito flavor that will start fights at our house.
While your taste in water is questionable, your nails are fabulous!
I believe that the friend helped in a way. You have that one friend who kinda like sees things no one actually sees. Played it perfect and 35 years later they have managed to create a bond so pure.
Sounds like they both know the secret of making marriages work, putting effort into making the marriage work. Good on them.
Heard a Denzel interview on a sports station a while back and they were puffin him up and keeping it loose, and he said something along the lines of the title of this article ‘I do what I am told in regards to my wife’, and they said ‘BUT YOU’RE DENZEL WASHINGTON!’
Better yet, shop at your local Mom & Pop hardware store if you can. My family owns one; Lowe’s, Home Depot, Amazon, etc are our competitors. We’re POC and certified Minority Business vendors with NY State, NYC, and the PANYNJ.
“If Trump wasn’t president, you wouldn’t even have a job,”
Not to be confused with the OTHER Black Man Fired From Home Depot story...
As a half Puerto Rican half Haitian black person from Staten Island I would love to know what part of Jersey to find my peoples! Because i made that joke a few times in my life and it has never landed.
Oh damn, that photo....I’m suddenly sweating...
But unions are evil and bad!! Faux News told me this and they ain’t fake news like the rest of the libural media!!!
Looked like a beautiful service. loved seeing his brother preside over the wedding, thats super dope. im team seeing rappers be happy and love and value their families and wives. i just wish beyonce would let jay-z retire and not being a pointless accessory on her songs lol. let that man live. i want more of these…
Yeah but thank god he didn’t have a union holding him back. This is a great article to anyone who thinks a company, or its leaders, care about you.
The associates at Home Depot are supposed to interact with me? I usually have to search half the store to find one in the first place.
I love how he played Comanche with such nuance. I kept catching little hints about something between him and Shades, and I practically jumped up and down when it was finally confirmed with one line.
What you said. Seems to have his head screwed on too.