Yesha Callahan
Bye, Kinja! It's been fun (occasionally).

I hope there’s a soundtrack available for this season as well. I still keep Season 1 in my workout rotation.

I watched 2 or 3 episodes and the constant “I have something super-important to tell her but she won’t answer and I won’t text a warning!” shenanigans was too irritating for me.

Punisher was awesome, imo. Some slow points - like every Netflix Marvel series - but some great dramatic moments. I’d still love to see him to more vigilante stuff, though. As well as take on Kingpin.

Before JJ season 2, it was: 1. DD 2. Punisher 3. JJ 4. Luke Cage 5. Iron Fist 6. Defenders. A good LC season 2 will move it ahead of JJ on my list. Didn’t think DD s2 was as bad as others. JJ s2 was meh, as was Defenders.I liked the supporting cast of Iron Fist a lot, but not Danny Rand. Defenders left a lot to be

Luke Cage season 1 was the best of the Defenders seasons up until now.
Fight me, Daredevil fans!

Interesting the other reviews I’ve read have pretty much said the exact opposite that this run is bland has no real purpose and goes nowhere fast nice to see at least one positive review

As long as they don’t replace a truly awesome and compelling villain with a chundering moron in the last half of the season, I’ll be happy.

Looking forward to viewing this. Hopefully this season will be very successful and lead to several more and movie appearances.

The first season was absolutely the best of not just the Netflix Marvel properties, but Marvel period. So looking forward to the second season and watching Misty Knight break down a crime scene.

And the soundtracks already on Spotify! Sweet Christmas!

How does it compare to season 1? I love Luke Cage and the casting of the show is fantastic, but aside from Cottonmouth I found the first season to be pretty boring. Hoping it’s more that the show improves, rather than it’s just not for me?

I’ve been floored by how they have transformed some of Cage’s more....problematic comic heavies into real, substantial threats with a rich inner life. Mariah Dillard is the greatest does it get better than Alfrie Woodard?

I thought The Bad would be Danny Rand: The Immortal Iron Fist, Protector of Kun-Lun, and Enemy of The Hand?

No it’s not. Even if I could forgive the blandness that was Danny Rand (and I don’t blame the actor for this, just lazy writing), the absolute poor camerawork and action choreography on what should have been a gold star martial arts series was unforgivable. Case in point: 56 cuts in 35 seconds

Oh thank goodness. With Iron Fist being not great, defenders being ok, and JJ’s plots feeling overly drawn out, I was starting to get worried. I loved Luke Cage season 1 though so I should’ve trusted in their team. Still, I’m glad to hear it’s good.

Great read. My pops was a drug addict and I still think about him choosing drugs over me and my bros whenever I look at my kids. In him I learned everything not to do. Thanks, Dad!

This is gonna open a lot of eyes and hearts. Thank you.

Wow, I never expected an article from nickel-nine here.
Royce, in the off-chance you read this:

I also don’t have a great relationship with my father, so this hit home. Really glad that creating something has helped you.

I’ve yet to listen to this album front to back, but my boy Royce is super underrated.