Yeahhhh, as a white dude, they’d tell me to go get that permit or don’t conceal, or somethin. Not arrest me, no way.
Yeahhhh, as a white dude, they’d tell me to go get that permit or don’t conceal, or somethin. Not arrest me, no way.
it really sucks that we have no real recourse against this constant threat of murder and imprisonment besides calling people ugly and memes. they funny (sometimes) but the petty can never seem enough to make me feel good about this kinda shit. what the fuck. joaning on the shoes of the dude shooting seems to be highly…
This is awesome. I wish I’d been there.
I want BBQ so bad, in the last month, I have been seeing BBQ videos from Austin to Charlottesville and other southern Real BBQ styles.
Had this happen to me many a time in Sacramento. Between that and the “I’m not racist” racism, moving back to my hometown is a negatory.
I honestly feel “less at risk” with NYPD than I do with Sacramento PD and Sacramento County Sheriff - which is odd because NYPD’s history. But I’ve also never been asked what I was…
More of a Fire Marshall Bill.
Did anyone see the White Power sign thrown by the cop in the driver’s seat? Check it out at about 1:39.
Kids, this is what evil looks like.
If you pull someone over for one reason and then say it’s flora or fauna that they noticed on your car, it’s clear the motive is to find a crime. It’s like that “vegetation” couldn’t have come from the tree they were parked under while two cops brainstormed a way to make this an arrest. Why would you respect these…
In Russia, its common for private citizens to install secret cameras in their car specifically to record the police.
This shit is ridiculous. Is it going to become “required” (maybe strongly recommended?) for every minority individual to have a white “friend” there to speak to the officer and explain how ridiculous this is without being shot or arrested?
I had my car searched for not using a turn signal once. Put this was before cell phones. I guess we now have to clearly state “you do not have permission to turn off my phone”.
Those pieces of shit don’t care about enforcing the law, all they care about is stealing money and life from POC.
If I was watching that Facebook live stream and it cut off immediately after I heard him tell the cop he had a gun in his car, I woulda been 1000% sure they killed him. Are cops allowed to just turn off phones like that?
Strong words, but not wrong.. When I first saw her in the DP2 ads, I thought “that’s a solid take on Domino, a slightly boring character. Wonder what alt-right-youtube will say about this?”. I don’t think it penetrated so much into the mainstream this time, but I just checked, and they are mad. I mean, she’s brown,…