Yesha Callahan
Bye, Kinja! It's been fun (occasionally).

God fucking dammit. This shit pisses me the fuck off. I teach kids who have lived through severe trauma and I would be lying if I said that the track of their home life, the things they have witnessed at a young age that would send a shiver down your spine, and their lack of support system may mean that some of them

Just a big fan of karma, here. This makes my Friday. Thanks!

Your smile is beautiful and you’re doing fantastic.

good luck getting an apology. this is johnson county, the same place as the hooters incident from a few months ago. that asshole still has his job, by the way.

Why does the one on the left have a “may I speak to your manager” haircut?

Been a Sci fi fan for 30 years, and just learned we were supposed to be ascribing a particular sexuality to characters dating gendered robots this entire time.

Honestly, this all sounds like piss poor training for the guard and him getting pissed that he actually had to do his job.

Our kids are not allowed to have childhoods. No laughter, no horseplay, no joy. None. Welcome to Continuous Traumatic Stress!

My bad; Just wanting to leave a general comment; Id like to know what color the guard was ? Its pathetic in 2018 to even have to ponder that. I just can’t but help seeing this extravagent gated community, a sleeping out of shape rent a cop & his worst nightmare; A celebrity, who was once involved in some highly

“We will continue to enforce our commitment to Mainland being a safe and inclusive place for our students, staff and those that we interact with, whether in our school or in the fields, through additional education and continued enforcement of our zero tolerance policies,” the superintendent wrote

You’re reaching there.

I have never heard of this person because I have a touch and go relationship with the internet. Did she have to pay royalties to be able to use Childish Gambino’s music 💯%? If she didn’t can she be fined? Now I will go back and watch the original to cleanse my brain.

Lawd this just reminded me of Dorothy Dandridge’s story. While her mother was working her mom’s girlfriend would abuse Dorothy & her sister.

That’s some poopity scoop.

What the hell is this?!?!

I think Michael B. Jordan has got a ridiculously bright future ahead. He’s so level-headed, intelligent, thoughtful, and DAMN funny! I love that DirecTV commercial that they are CRIMINALLY NOT SHOWING ANYMORE!

congratulatory message with a Wakanda forever signoff — lucky you!

Between how gentle his eyes seem, and those dimples you could swim in, I can see why.

Seriously, how many drunk YT girls you’ve seen locked out of their rooms, apartments, etc? Like, omygauud, I locked my self aooot, and guards come right on up for help. Some bullshit. And Tiny was confirming?! Bullshit