If the reason is not “beard is tickling her too much, and not in the right spots” or “she’d prefer he doesn’t”, then he’s just an asshole when it comes to sex.
If a man wants me to pleasure him orally then he better reciprocate. Life is too short to deal with anything less. Thats some major deal breaker shit for me, and I know for a fact that my man loves having this nana in his face
What a fool.
Gross. I’m so sick of men thinking this shit is acceptable.
Man, do I wish I could get suspended with pay. Indefinitely.
As a Puerto Rican I can vouch for him...being full of shit.
Like it matters if the server is fucking purple. This is a company problem, because it happened inside the walls of the fucking business. The IHOP President trying to shrug off responsibility by saying “aw shucks well the server was black, so...” means nothing. This was an employee of IHOP, on IHOP time, in an IHOP…
The police Union will go to bet for these guys. At worst he probably gets a diversity training.
>>>Of course the arrest report filed never mentioned that the officer kicked Vladim in the head<<<
I’m guessing the “slenderly challenged” officer was angry he got a cardio work out.?
AAwh, I have nothing but love for DL, he’s got the smartest pundits, journalists (-Paris Dennard) on his segments. Only CNN you’ll see me eyeballing
“I need to say some shit about the UTR, and I need to say some shit about racism, ’cause I’m not fucking racist, I’m Spanish,” he said on the Facebook Live video. “I’m Puerto Rican.”
Shut the hell up #complicit and go and secretly rejoice that that lying cheating, Quaalude dropping, rapung scum of a husband is yours finally got what was coming for humiliating and disrespecting you and your children for sixty years.
If Amber Wilted Rose don’t get her complicit ass somewhere...
Good fucking lord.
He continuously violated his probation. Yes, the judge was a cunt, but it still doesn’t escape the fact that Meek violated his fucking probation, and not only that, got a hell of a lot more opportunities to stay out of jail than most people on probation.
People need to stop going to bat for those who…
I have family in NC, and when I go to visit, there is almost always at least one pizza night. I don’t think we’ve gone to a Pizza Inn, but we sure as hell won’t in the future.
“I firmly believe her recent testimony during trial was perjured; as was shown at trial, it was unsupported by any evidence and riddled with innumerable, dishonest contradictions. Moreover, Bill Cosby’s defense team introduced the testimony of a witness who confirmed that the district attorney’s witness admitted that…
Lol What a joke, considering how much less we marry out with Asian guys, or otherwise, vs how often Black men do. They should spare us the faux outrage, already. If they want to bother with Issa, stick to the joke of a show, and followup promotion of the emasculation of Black men; there’s no need to bother with a…