Yesha Callahan
Bye, Kinja! It's been fun (occasionally).

He lost his mom and his ghost writer. This I know. He’s lost without her. He doesn’t even how to act. He married into that dumbass family bc at least Kim is rich and he won’t fall into the trap of the golddigger...the greatest song his mother, Donda the English professor, ever wrote. and TDF out of town membership will help put a dent in ticket prices. I see way too many shows for $50.

“the 14-year-old’s mother found the Clinkscale and girl in the basement”

Was the lady from the video complaining about poor black kids attending her neighborhood school the one who called the cops on this guy? Both incidents happened in the Upper West Side.

Your handle is apropos.

I loved that episode and the episodes when she sang. This is an extremely talented woman!

The word used is “colonizer.” No one actually said anyone was colonizing New York city. It’s a reference to “Black Panther.” Pop culture references. It’s a thing people do. It’s not literal. Sit down.

She can talk all she likes, she’s grown and she’s fierce.


I was going to ask if it was a Trump property, before I remembered that he wouldn’t have rented to a black man in the first place.

I am SICK to death of, “...we hope that now we can start the conversation.....! START the conversation? Damn, the conversation has been started all over the place. We’ve never stopped talking about this issue. It seems that all we do is TALK about it. There needs to be real change in thought processes, behavior and

Next time his headphones will be too loud.

Have a housewarming party, Darren. Invite that neighbour, tell her (because sure as shit it’s a she) and ask her to bring some potato salad. Everyone take a plate of potato salad, have a bite and spit it out while loudly saying, “Who brought this crap?”

Please, please move into more neighborhoods with white people. Incidents like this will happen, but it should feel good to be the colonizers for a change. It’s shocking that since POC’s have had the legal right to live anywhere, self-segregation has been the norm.

Call The Midwife is my sis’s go to show. She loved it when Jenny left. Jenny annoyed her. It is one of the few shows we watch together.

Good show. I’ve been watching all along. I’m glad to see it recognized here. I never could get into Downton Abbey but Midwife I like.

Standing on the shoulders of those who can before us.

I’m all for it not, for the reason illustrated in a satirical manner but more of a general thing.

Can we all agree to not let people make us feel guilty for who we date?

C’mon yo. Are you really going to argue a gross generalization based off of personal anecdotes and other gross generalizations?