Yesha Callahan
Bye, Kinja! It's been fun (occasionally).

As a member of Omega Psi Phi it’s about time for all D9 organizations start using our considerable financial clout to stop this administration in it’s fucking tracks. The funny thing is that most of Trump’s ignorant base and The GOP in general have no idea about our organizations. It is long past time for us to do

Why do we pretend we’re shocked when ANYONE - even a teacher - in Alabama does shit like this and then offers a non-apology?

Grammar lessons: If you’ve ever read an email or note from a white supremacist you understand the struggle. I simply showed them the difference between your and you’re, loose and lose taught them about the existence of commas and the caps lock button.”

Don’t tell me they went with the “Rubber & Glue” defense!

I haven’t read pass the title and I am laughing so hard. Omg I Can’t!! Hahaha

If his son thinks it’s all a joke, this kid is going to need some serious counseling before he grows up into thinking there aren’t consequences for actions.

Blaming the video game is so Fox News circa 2001.

He also spit and kicked them. Guess these state troppers are not psychopaths and saw that it was a kid

Thank goodness OHIO STATE TROOPERS are well trained to not shoot a black kid unless justified.

Survey says 100% of white ppl think The Seychelles are in France.

The amount of times I’ve seen a writer on this site explain: “When we say white people, we don’t mean all of them” is ridiculous.
White people will never accept that. White people will just keep pointing and saying: “LOOK AT WHAT HE SAYS ABOUT WHITE PEOPLE”, because it’s easier for white people to disregard things

This poor woman. She did the best, most responsible thing she could do, and because this country criminalizes poverty, hates blackness, and thinks children are incapable of even the smallest independence, she’s being treated like a criminal.

America is great at criminalizing being poor.

Stupid arrest. Those girls were just fine for an hour or so by themselves.

Police have absolutely no common sense or decency.