Look I’m not Sway I don’t have all the answers
Look I’m not Sway I don’t have all the answers
I am the tag team champions! Of all the stupid, throwaway backstage plotlines that WWE has had throughout the years, I actually loved this one. Bryan was gold, but I was shocked every week at just how damn funny Kane really was. I know everyone is waiting for Taker to break kayfabe, but I can’t wait until Kane retires…
I’ll second the notion of Bryan taking off during Team Hell No. He was still seen in some circles as a guy short on sustainable charisma, but he and Kane absolutely killed what shouldve been another “wacky tag team who can’t get along!” misfire. I think Bryan’s work convinced most fans who were on the fence that he…
Wait, was Drake the “rapper with a ghost writer?”
Oh, yeah! That too! Some girls don’t want to hurt our feelings so they just evade the answer as long as they can, ending up in hurting our feelings even more, unfortunately.
I can’t stop picturing the 20 year old black kid inside the suit shamefully but dutifully holding up the sign while tears stream down his face. HOW IS THIS ALLOWED TO HAPPEN? The Cardinals PR team took off early for Memorial Day vacation?
That is BMW!
It took me a moment to realize that was Cole he was murdering. He ate that F5 like a champ.
when in doubt, bang out a $5.
Dash: Oh, man, I almost forgot to feed and water the dogs.
I'm pretty sure Jackson has a lisp because he's playing Russell Simmons. Think about it - black bald man with a lisp, media mogul, speech impediment, preppy clothes?
The correct answer is all of them tied, except Shawn Michaels.
This is ridiculous. There's nothing to get mad about here. The players merely put their hands up to demonstrate their opposition to the seemingly rampant fatal shootings of unarmed black men. The only people who could possibly be offended are those involved in the rampant fat... Oh.
Did Abdullah learn any lessons? "Stop before you drop."
The Sun is looking into this.
Call me daft, but if it's a gift, it's a gift. If I gift money to someone & they try to pay it back, it is flatly refused.