Tonja Renée Stidhum
Staff Writer, Entertainment at The Root. Sugar, spice & everything rice. Equipped with the uncanny ability to make a Disney reference and a double entendre in the same sentence.

I just hope we get a Lester to Clay Davis “deez nutz” smile and one good sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet in there

That’s a bold strategy to admit to facilitating child sexual abuse on video.  Is bold the word I’m looking for?

Thank you so much for posting this! Really looking forward to watching it!

It’s a god damn crime that Morgan didn’t get an Oscar nod for his role in The Last Black Man in San Francisco or ANY hype for his role in Just Mercy. I was crying grown ass man tears over Herbert Richardson. I hope the Academy does right by him and nominates him for that role. Then he portrayed that dastardly Sol

Oh, so sweet! I can imagine the wellspring of pride she has seeing her mother get some sunshine! And I’m an old softie who tears up for certain songs too!

This isn't Lauren Hill we are talking about, so I'm sure she'll turn up.

I AM EMBARRASSED FOR HIM. You’d think they would study EVERYTHING but alas- we are here. :-/ Ariana Grande... Boy Bye!  

So she tried to push him for a soundbyte, he saw it what it was and didn’t play along like most people which upset her.

Thank you for addressing this ish. I was feeling very frustrated yesterday, kept checking The Root..shouting where is the response to this nonsense. Thank you for fulfilling your civic duty to clap back (sorry Michael) at these shenanigans in a timely manner. And again I say thank you.

So why in the holy fuck did she bring it up SIXTEEN YEARS LATER!!!! Also she worked with a fucking predator who had a button under his desk to lock the door to his office and Denzel not being here for her bullshit made her uncomfortable? Please feel free to show your ass to the nearest exit Karen.

Katie Couric? The Katie Couric? The one that defended Matt Lauer to the ends of the earth even after all the shit came out. That Katie Couric? I mean you stood by a man that had a button under his desk to lock the door to his office but Denzel made you “uncomfortable?” I mean forget 2020 being the year of COVid-19 it

Pretty sure they wager first before the question, so there is some strategy there, based on how confident they are when they see the category.

NIGGA!! No puedooooooooooooooooooo!

Funny as hell. I don’t know if this is the Whitest or Blackest thing I’ve heard. What’s next Denzel Washington Carver? Mýa Angelou? The Artist Formerly Known as Prince Hall? LOL!

Now playing

Her Read Along Mondays series is also awesome. Michelle is the best.

Don’t tell Kanye but ...

You took me out with that “My My My,” the Memes section! My laughter from your description of Luther Vandal snuck up on me. Good thing I wasn’t drinking water!

I love Cush Jumbo (and that name sounds like The Good Weed).

Black-ish Meets Curb Your Enthusiasm.”