Tonja Renée Stidhum
Staff Writer, Entertainment at The Root. Sugar, spice & everything rice. Equipped with the uncanny ability to make a Disney reference and a double entendre in the same sentence.

As far as mixed celebs go, you can do much worse than DeBarge

The finale just aired last night. This season we and Lucious learned that Lucious had another son that he just found out about (Lucious conceived him in his teens with a white girl he sold drugs to) and (spoiler alert!) that was the one who died. Jamal just got married and was on his honeymoon and they showed Cookie

So Jamal’s going up in his room like Chuck Cunningham, Judy Winslow, DeVante Swing’s solo career...etc. 

The coffee cup wasn’t even the first time they messed up on the GoT...

Wendell Pierce is excellence whenever he’s on-screen! And his loyalty to New Orleans is fierce! Good for him and everybody associated with this interesting sounding movie; I'll look forward to seeing it at my arthouse theatres.

Lord help me, that video still gets me every time. No one saw me lick my screen right?

Ruby from Middle of Nowhere!!!! YAAAAS to all these dark skin actresses being booked and busy!

Excellent. I follow both women and generally a huge fan of Roxanne Gay.

As someone who was 15 when this happened this documentary will hit a raw spot with me. Especially since the current piece of shit stinking up the white house, lower case intentional, has yet to apologize for his shameful fucking NYT ad. Fuck the NYPD, fuck Donald Trump and fuck anyone who helped railroad these kids.

Never has phrase “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach.” been more pertinent to someone than it is to Lil Yachty, ‘cause the nigga can’t rap to save his life, but maybe he can write, and he’ll make a lot more money off of that.

HFB is so smart - and Holland is so convincing - that it makes you want to pull off the same thing against the NBA. If you haven’t watched it yet you’re doing yourself a disservice. 


For those that don’t know the history behind “Oops Pow Surprise” you need to be an Chappelle Show historian. As for Kodak, Karma baby. No on second thought it’s just him being stupid.

I first came across Holland in that horrible sitcom, 1600 Penn and thought “wow, he is really too good for this mess” and then he proved it on The Knick.

Beyonce said 2019 been rough, let me give the people what they want. 


This is probably the best take. Regardless of whether he actually lied or not, this clearly isn’t a matter of life and death. This doesn’t need to be treated like the crime drama of the century. Chicago has bigger fish to fry.

Get it, Lena.  Get the gigs, get the props, get the money, get it all, Lena.  All of it!

People are so weird. Who wants to see that video? What level of wickedness and dissatisfaction of one’s life will make someone tag her?? I hate this world.

For the zillionth time, I wish netflix, hulu, etc. had a filter by black. Sometimes you just want to see black people on the screen after a long day