Todd Steven Burroughs
Todd Steven Burroughs is the author of "Marvel's Black Panther: A Comic Book Biography, From Stan Lee to Ta-Nehisi Coates" and "Warrior Princess: A People's History of Ida B. Wells."

It took me 10 minutes to read this because I was too busy laughing and forwarding! THANKS! 

Oh, how I have enjoyed your Queen Re-Re funeral articles! THANKS! I think the reality is is that seeing and hearing Bill Clinton is going to be the answer to how you know it’s a major Black funeral :)

You’re right: I mention in interviews and in a footnote that it took a long time for BET to air it!

I respect that, Howard. And I agree with you about Priest’s run. We disagree on my portrayal of QDJ, but I was a big fan of her, too, and I liked the fact that, at first, she did not take this African stuff seriously!

Hudlin got better after Priest fanboys left. I decided to stay, and I think “Flags of Our Fathers” and “Deadliest of the Species” is as good as any Priest BP story.

THANKS for standing up for Priest. I am the ultimate Priest fan. He takes two-and-a-half chapters of my book. I hope you will like it!

Read Hudlin’s last stories, “The Deadliest of the Species” and “Flags Of Our Fathers,” and tell me what you think about it. I’d be interested in what you think!

THANKS for standing up for Priest. I am the ultimate Priest fan. He takes two-and-a-half chapters of my book. I hope you will like it!

Because the United States doesn’t want to deal with any of its past. Ask any Native American.

THANKS for standing up for Priest. I am the ultimate Priest fan. He takes two-and-a-half chapters of my book. I hope you will like it!

Again, he is an acquired taste. (I love Priest’s Panther.) But in Black communities, a (super-)Power Couple made a lot of sense! The Eric Jerome Dickey “Storm” miniseries retro-conned and recreated the Ororo/T’Challa walkabout, turning it into a serious love story.

THANKS for standing up to McGregor! I devote two entire chapters to him in my book.

That’s because he was making a comment about the backwardness, and inhumane qualities, of so-called “Western Civilization.” Wakanda is a xenophobic nation: Why should it?

THANKS for standing up for Priest. I am the ultimate Priest fan. He takes two-and-a-half chapters of my book. I hope you will like it!

Since in Hudlin’s mind, he was writing his/the movie treatment, he did what he wanted--the same way Coogler has done. Having Panther fight supervillians representing the European colonial powers was a righteous act.

My Black radical friends, who watched the animated series, loved him for that lack.