I have been working on my family tree for years and cannot find anyone on my father's side earlier than my…
I have been working on my family tree for years and cannot find anyone on my father's side earlier than my…
It’s become a routine American pastime: the spotlight of a federal Justice Department probe into grisly police…
You could not come up with a more desperate pair of political leaders than GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and…
Editor's note: The following article contains spoilers.
Andy Martinez Mercado, 5, was returning home to New York City after visiting with his family in the Dominican…
The year 1996 was arguably the hottest in the ’90s for black popular culture.
Here’s a neat little trick: You can be unapologetically pro-black, disgusted with systematically oppressive…
Gerald Eldridge, 52, may have faked having an illness to avoid execution after fatally shooting his ex-girlfriend…
At about 3 p.m. on Tuesday, a woman walked into Democratic U.S. Rep. Danny Davis' office on the West Side of…
So you’re chilling on the couch, sipping on a cold glass of red Kool-Aid, and you decide to turn on cable news.…
On Friday, Colin Kaepernick took a stand by taking a seat. He said enough with black death and quietly sat as “The…
Editor’s note: This is part 2 in an ongoing series that looks at the growing legal marijuana industry and its effect…
Kemirah Jn-Marie, 15, is a flyer on the Ross S. Sterling High School varsity cheerleading team and is a victim of…
George Clinton is not one to funk with.
In June, Olympic canoe racer Joe Jacobi's car was broken into and someone stole the gold medal that he won at the…
The availability of essential lifesaving tools like the EpiPen never rises to being a crisis until the price hits…
Deborah Pearl, 53, was on her way to work Saturday morning when her car was hit by a Jeep that ran through a red…
It’s common knowledge that pregnancy is divided into three trimesters, but no one tells you about the fourth period:…
Two weeks ago I wrote an article in the form of an open letter to Nate Parker, confessing my conflicted feelings…