MONIQUE!! you know you are WRONG for this cliffhanger!!
MONIQUE!! you know you are WRONG for this cliffhanger!!
Is the Root going to do a piece on Mr. Clark’s disdain for Black women, specifically dark-skinned Black women who are holding the state accountable for his life?
Tossing aside the fact that Clark shouldn’t have been shot at at all...
I also find it interesting that the ‘released’ helicopter video, which would have shown the supposed vandalism, was cut to just before the shooting, yet the body cam video is nearly 20 minutes. What does the helicopter video actually show?
If the video showed him breaking windows they would have released it to bolster…
No toxicology results are available as of yet.
Monique, in one of your first articles about #stephonclark you listed a number of inconsistencies in the police report and real life.
1. My mama.
How do you mistake an iphone for a gun? That’s not quite the right question, but it’s easy:
It’s the very same people who say ‘why didn’t he just comply’ that are the first to say the ‘cops feared for their lives.’
showed up to Bob McNair’s deposition! ...wearing a KUNTE KINTE t-shirt!
I searched for a similar topic from you around 2009, and didn’t find anything. So Is this something you just discovered now that Black Panther is out?
Sending Scott Mendelson my #ThoughtsAndPrayers
I have this idea of myself as a person who isn’t that traditional. I’ve never had grand dreams of big weddings or marriage; always thought I’d be okay with my husband/partner staying home if that’s what made sense for our lives. A few years ago, I was engaged to a guy who made less than me. At first I didn’t think it…
Monique, I waited on this story ALL week, and I am happy that there was a pleasant conclusion. You know how easily our joy is taken these days! You were just like, “Satan, not today, sit right there, and let me get this man, Ima let you finish another day.”
It’s interesting how some keep framing issues like this as a binary choice, as though it’s possible to care about humans OR animals, but not both.
The thing I think I love most about this whole relating of the cautionary tale is that you obviously know more about this than you’re telling. You’re like the protagonist in 21 (that was the name of the Kevin Spacey movie).
people never learn
Thank you Monique. The “justice” system thrives on the lives of young Black men and its sickening. Brock Turner fucking raped a woman. And the judge was concerned about his future. Wtfffff forever
This is how my uncle explained cheating to me: