I hate the word “woke.” It is defined as a heightened state of social, political and cultural awareness. Being woke…
I hate the word “woke.” It is defined as a heightened state of social, political and cultural awareness. Being woke…
They are using bigoted bureaucracy as a vehicle for genocide.
This is a tough one. I’m torn between:
I hate to say it but this is a wise choice. After Akil left the show took a turn for the worse. Taking mj away from her family to new york, isolated her and disrupted the flow of the show, because the family was such an integral part of her life. The writing also didn’t make any sense.
Are we really interested in a sequel to Creed that doesn’t involve Ryan Coogler?
I wish they could wait, but who knows how that plays out if they can’t get everybody signed on and available until 5 years from now. Coogler directing, with Stallone co’ing, seems like a great idea, especially if Stallone can be honest with himself about the shortcomings and missteps of previous Rocky movies. If he…
Coogler performed a modern day miracle by making a Rocky Universe movie a instant classic. No way that Creed should have been the amazing film that it was but Coogler did that ish.
He told his fans who might be supporters of Trump that he was drying a line in the sand, and they are either “for or against.”
Beautifully written, Monique!
I have seen Tyler perry play serious characters, so I know he can do so. However, I do not believe this is intended to be serious, because:
These Diet Nazis need to stop
a white man claiming to be a lawyer who graduated from NYU School of Law
3 things:
The players shouldn’t get suspended. They should suit up.. walk out when that stupid song is played. And don’t go back until the owners capitulate and acknowledge their rights, apologize, and outline concrete steps the league will take to address and help the players address the issues they are protesting.
Dear ESPN & White Racist Mutha Fuckers Who Voted For Trump:
Her “impulsive tweet” contains no actual opinion. Merely an explanation of how the world works.
When I was a kid, I used to wonder, “What does ESPN stand for?”
This is clearly murder but, I mean, he didn’t get murdered because he was stopped for a minor traffic “violation.” He was murdered because this police officer knew he could use the fact that he ran as a justification to commit murder and get away with it.
So a man gets pulled over on a bicycle for nothing and then runs away from a bullshit arrest and gets shot 3 times in his fucking back. And none of those officers will receive any prison time because America is A-OK with killing us. They’ve always been okay with killing us.