She said we need him to tell the truth.
She said we need him to tell the truth.
Seriously, how is Stacey giving a better speech than the damn “president”?
“I love our country and its promise of opportunity for all.”
This is really what we stayed up for. Fuck Trump. Stacey Abrams is the main attraction.
I’m ready for this shit to be over. I can’t take it no more.
And you know he is not going to remember one of these names tomorrow.
Well, what do you call your little standoff over the infamous wall, you dummy?
Clearly this speech has gone on for longer than your little “president” is able to handle. He’s now just making it up as he goes along.
He really doesn’t, but he wants you to think he does.
If this is really true, why are people still having to set up GoFundMe pages to pay for things like insulin and asthma medicine?
Is basically what this racist asshole is saying.
Did this man really just say 1 in 3 women is sexually assaulted on the trek to border and use that as a talking point, knowing that Access Hollywood tape is out there with him admitting to grabbing women by the pussy?
He straight up said there are caravans making their way to the border as we speak, and a rumble moved through the crowd, but Nancy put her hand up, and everyone got quiet.
Get ready to get drunk. WALL WALL WALL WALL WALL
She’s about ready to call the sandman and have him escort Trump off the dais.
Trump is now claiming he has lowered unemployment for everyone and that more people are working in this country now than ever before.
Trump is reading straight off the teleprompter. It’s amazing that he has not gone off script yet, but I’m sure it’s coming. Whoever wrote this script left his buzzword out of it.
Who wrote this speech for him? So far he hasn’t said anything worth mentioning. And again, I am having a hard time getting past the dry snorts and sniffles. It’s making it hard to focus on what he is saying.
Seriously, what is it with the sniffing and snorting? It’s so distracting. I can’t even pay attention to what he is saying because he is making me want to sniff. Like is there a booger in there? Booger sugar? Adderall?
Look at this man walking in and shaking hands like he’s the undisputed heavyweight champion of the world or something. I told y’all. This is all he cares about. Validation and acknowledgement that he is cool.