Dhiraj Naseen
Dhiraj Naseen (The Hostile Negress) is a renowned ratchetologist and advocate of foolishment. A blackbelt spinster, she holds advanced degrees in crochet, cats, crystals and being socially awkward.

I guess the only thing I don’t get is the dragging of the other artists for not agreeing to be in a documentary - like, did E Badu see him have sex with someone? Did Quest Love? If not, what is the impact of just them saying “Yeah, he’s fucked up” - that’s already well-known.

Ok seriously at this point, even if you’re Adolf Hitler’s cousin AND the nephew of the grand kleagle AND a descendant of the family that owned Kunta and them you have GOT to admit that if a random white woman says a nondescript black man “did it” this is a clue that she is lying.

Stacey Abrams, would be posed to take her seat as the first African America governor in the history of America<<That would be Doug Wilder. Sorry, I’m from DMV and I know him. He’d be aggy af if nobody outpointed lol

I’m #TeamCardi all day. But I really just wanna know the backstory on that deliciously foolish Russell Westbrook meme ...

“I’m pretty sure she could see me standing there too.”

I’m just here to say holy shit Tracy Chapman is almost 60 and she looks amazeballs. Like bih, you couldn’t get it then but I might bust it open now

Can someone PLEASE go ahead and start a meme with this guy? There are SO many possibilities!!!!

We not starting this shit today. Candy corn is delicious. Shut your foolish pie hole if you feel differently.

I was all prepared to explain that clearly Seal was tussling with his cousin - let’s call him JuneSeal (not SealKwan, he’s in jail again) - over that octopus and got it away from him just as the water colonizer came by, accidentally slapping him across the face.

There’s this weird mythology that small organizations are inherently effed up. Like, there’s no option to not be. This is not the case.

Clark Atlanta’s crisis is indicative of the problems of many small colleges...these kinds of issues become prevalent, especially at historically black colleges.<<<

Not only are those wigs, they’re bad wigs. I have no idea why they did that, nor why they photoshopped these pictures this way. I’ve looked at the unretouched group photo (the one where they have actual human laugh lines and under eye pooches like actual children) SEVERAL times and I can’t figure out which one is in

Tldr: Fuck this shit, I’m out.

By your standards or mine?

I feel obligated to say that it’s just an accusation at this point. Of course, given his history of leaving his preggo baby mama under mysterious circumstances - combined with the fact that I always thought he looked shifty - it’s highly likely to be true.

listen, where is Iyanla???? b/c this young man needs some recalibration or just a good auntie hug and rock session.

Chatted with my gf about this last night. I’m of the opinion that any place that would fix its mouth to comment on your hair (loc’d, long/short, man bun, etc.) is doing you a MAJOR favor - it ain’t often an employer just straight up TELLS you they’re crazy and that you should gtfo immediately!

I don’t have fake breasts.