The Jeffersons man, the Jeffersons lol
The Jeffersons man, the Jeffersons lol
That person was putting those straw sets IN there - and lookin’ the other way lmao
A few suggestions:
I’m just gonna place her and her deep comb coils (which I DO believe were aided by Miss Jessie’s) on the altar and leave it to Kang Jaysus.
I’m from MD and half my fam is Philly. They already judge my allegiance to Jims. But when I was a kid and said things like “steak and cheese” and “tennis shoes” ... let’s just say I almost didn’t make it out alive.
If you call something a “steak and cheese” your fate is already sealed. At least in Philadelphia.
Now ALL women can be objectified in an irrelevant ass magazine. Free at last I tell ya!
One of the stranger things I've noticed on Gawker is the tendency toward this weird super liberalism that manages to start dictating black reality to black people.
I also gagged at that mention. Its well known that people always lightweight portrayed her as not living up to her moms status.
Co signing. She didn't make this up - this is legit a black family archetype.
CL is pretty extreme, but it's definitely classic hypo. It's not an easy thing to deal with at all.
I have hypochondria and you're absolutely right. I've gone so far as to suggest that anyone - ANYONE - who comments on health forums is suffering from some level of health anxiety.
Doctor hopping ... being unable to wait - even a few hours - to see another doctor ... asking the Interwebz for health answers ... believing you have a "rare condition" ...
There are definitely equal issues with the "you're fat! No, now you're too skinny!" judgments placed on women's bodies.
With that said, ho does look cray.
Sorry but this sounds like chip meet shoulder. The man said something under his breath - we all do that daily - author presses to find out what was said (seemingly to confirm her own insecurities) then gets salty when he balls up and tells her?
Griddled with drawn butter please.