S. D. Chrismon
S. D. Chrismon is a masculine of center writer, Afrofuturist and pop culture junkie.

If wage equality is know what? Never mind. This article is reporting what happened, so take that up with Jessica Chastain.

Is it bad that I sometimes mix up Jessica Chastain and Bryce Dallas Howard? I really do like both of them, I just can’t always tell which is which.

Yes! My big chop and going fully natural was so freeing. (Edit: it’s been like 5 years now.)

Lazy gays. They’ve just copied the Atheist Agenda and changed the name. (And also, that should read “Bacon, sausages and 5 eggs, over-easy”

OMG, THE OTHER BLACK BUTCH IN MN!!! We so need to have drinks.

I’m so glad you’re writing here at The Root. I never realized how much I needed to read a voice like yours on kinja.