Latoya Shauntay Snell
Latoya Shauntay Snell is a chef, photographer and founder of RunningFatChef, a food-and-fitness blog that documents her experiences as a plus-size ultramarathoner and obstacle-course racer.

MRA neckbeards are brought up just to downplay the problems men face.

I’ve never understood the idea that consent is somehow a boner killer. Wouldn’t you want to know that your partner actually wants to be there with you and wants to have sex with you? Wouldn’t you rather not run the risk of being accused of sexual assault or rape?

This got to be the sanest, equilibrated, and emphatic article I have read since the beginning of the abuse landslide.

Your point about BDSM is excellent. Not only the use of safewords, but the communication is pretty open too.. I’m a switch too, and there are always conversations before anything even happens about what limits someone may have. So not only is consent clear but you have a really good expectation of your partner’s likes

Tape Everything. Unless its on tape- either party can change their mind and revoke consent after the fact. How can you prove they consented if its not on tape? Or just don’t get physically involved until you can absolutely trust the person.

Funny, I would think the actual problem is the fucking sexual abuse, asshole.

And then they’ll turn around and talk victim-blaming bullshit that hurts male victims as much as female ones, if not more.

These statistics are not mentioned to make women feel their issues don’t matter but we need to acknowledge that men can be affected by sexual trauma, too.

I turned to Mrs Dollars and showed her the headline and said “How is it so many of us still need to be sat down like children?” and without missing a beat shes like “Because like 80% of yall are rapists”

You can also try ointment for strengthening the hair. You will need 1 tbsp. l. dry roots of burdock, 200ml of water, 75g of animal fat, 10-12 drops of tea tree oil.
Grind roots of a burdock, to fill in with boiled water, put to cook in a small saucepan on a fire. When the broth evaporates to half the volume, mix it

Um, can I just have those red locs in the picture and call it a day? They are perfection.

Love this article!

The article itself did not bother you because you: 

When we cancel people and companies for this racist mess, they need to stay cancel. It’s too late in the game to play brand new. They know exactly what they’re doing before they do it.

Np just want to make sure i let all the silly monkies know no one truly cares about your sad life, if only we could still own slaves. Feels real bad

l u l

You’re right.

Add this to the list of H&M fuckery.