Tired of politicians talking at, about, but never to, black people, a bevy of organizations joined to conduct the…
Tired of politicians talking at, about, but never to, black people, a bevy of organizations joined to conduct the…
In the last few years at least, there has been some pushback against the prevailing notion of the “strong black…
Corinne Foxx, daughter of Jamie Foxx, is a pretty face, but she also has a brain; and for mental health awareness…
On the day that her “Can We Talk” Mental Health Conference weekend (June 7-9) is set to kick off in Washington,…
The clearly not-so-great-state of Alabama just enacted the most extreme abortion ban since abortion was made legal…
You know that scene in My Cousin Vinny where Vinny’s girlfriend, Mona Lisa Vito, played by Marissa Tomei, testifies…
The research is in—in fact, the facts on solitary confinement have been known for years—but finally, we seem to have…
In a move to lessen what experts have deemed the “cruel and unusual punishment” of solitary confinement—which also…
The rise in the suicide rate for black children ages 5 to 12 is an overlooked national emergency, according to a…
In 2013, 27-year-old Amy Bleuel began a mental health advocacy organization dubbed “Project Semicolon” to bring…
Today, May 1, marks May Day, the day that we pay homage to the workers of the world, and it also marks the start of…
I have had the good fortune to have seen many a Broadway play (also quite a few off-Broadway, for that matter). But…
In the ongoing, gut-wrenching, Handmaid’s Tale-like real-life saga that is the decimation of reproductive rights…
On Tuesday, Chanel Lewis was sentenced to life without parole for the murder of 30-year-old Karina Vetrano, who was…
Now that Russell “Future Baby Daddy” Wilson is the highest paid quarterback in the entire NFL, he decided to give…
Frankly, the shock is not so much that two Virginia police officers from separate jurisdictions were caught tied to…
Eric Holder has been one of the most consistent Democratic operatives in the last two decades. And by operative, we…
Because Kira Johnson was so amazing (she spoke five languages, skydived, raced cars), she has been the face of what…
“Lea Davies wasn’t a priority.” So said Dr. Devon Pravesh (Manish Dayal) on Monday night’s episode of The Resident,…
In what seems like the longest time coming, talk show host Wendy Williams has reportedly filed for divorce from her…