Updated: Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 6:35 EDT: A very contrite and possibly quite high Lakeith Stanfield took to…
Updated: Tuesday, June 26, 2018, 6:35 EDT: A very contrite and possibly quite high Lakeith Stanfield took to…
In what seems to be an ongoing effort to continue to be as woke as they wanna be, the Starbucks Coffee Co.,…
In his distinctive voice, actor Terry Crews gave resounding, powerful testimony before the Senate Judiciary…
So apparently, police in North Carolina did not arrest, shoot, throw to the ground, choke or lay one (trigger-happy)…
I begrudgingly have to admit that Tom Brady, the New England Patriots quarterback I love to hate, is now less hated…
Despite a few outliers who say they “can’t trust women,” if there’s one thing black women have, it’s their “girls.”
Correction: Wednesday, June 13, 2018, 11:23 a.m. EDT: This story was originally written based on a story from April…
In what surely is a direct attack on immigrants from Central America, Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Monday…
Regardless of our dating or even sexual preferences, black men and black women are inextricably tied—by history, by…
An Arizona man was so incensed, so filled with burning hatred for the black Harvard students who had the audacity to…
The indomitable Oprah Winfrey, who was recently honored with an entire exhibit of her life and work at the National…
“Let black woman lead” is the mantra, and it looks as if one city in Georgia has taken it to heart.
An ex-NFL player who was looking to help his mother-in-law find a new home was not only stopped but also arrested by…
After Pablo Villavicencio, a 35-year-old immigrant from Ecuador, was detained and then turned over to immigration…
Racist, sexist and all-around offensive humor still seems to be a favorite pastime for college kids who love to use…
One of the six young men jailed for allegedly participating in a racially induced fight in Louisiana some years ago…
The commonwealth of Virginia, not known to be the friendliest place for black defendants, has given the young man…
Well, Lil’ Kim has gone the route of our current president, who himself has filed for bankruptcy between four and…
There is no saving face for dermatologist Windell Davis-Boutte.
In a new short and stunningly shot documentary titled, WTF Is Mental Health?, Queen Sugar actor Kofi Siriboe…