Angela Helm
Ms. Bronner Helm is the Senior Editorial Director at Colorlines. Mouthy Black Girl. Rosalynn Carter Mental Health Fellow. Shea Butter Feminist. Virgo Sun, Aries Moon.

“No word on what the penalty is if the rule is broken.”

How do you boil a frog? By slowly turning up the heat. That analogy comes to mind when I read this.

I fux with ratchet Christians...I do.

You have every right to be a bigot who does not even understand the protest and then over-react by pulling support in a meaningless gesture, yes.

So will they do the same for people offended by the fact that Kaep still doesn’t have a job?

Clapping really does change things

Now that is morning fuel for a better day.

This world would be a better place if we had more women in government saying “pretty dope”.

Here’s your +1 for, I too, lost it on the “Aww Lawd” Kid.

Good. He hasn’t yet earned to be out here like nothing happened. We’re still in the thick of a messy situation he had a significant part in creating. You don’t get to go on the speaking circuit unchallenged while these horrors are yet unfolding.

I would like to add that no youth, all personal descriptoms excluded, as well as adult benefits from solitary confinement. With that said solitary confinement is a necessity under many circumstances in incarcerated life. It’s not overall fair treatment due to many failed factors of its implementation, but it has its

My aunt & mother were friends with Phillip Bailey & his wife. I used to share a crib w/his son when I was a baby! LOL.

This. Not one black, not even Bruno Mars, who is kinda black, better perform at this bullshzt. And any white artist who ever wants to rap or duet with a black artist and win a Grammy, likewise better stand-down. We do not forget shzt like that.

Yep and I refuse to believe this is the only the second time. To do it again after serving time and losing a music career, makes me think these are the only 2 on record that we know about.

Sick and fucking sad that he did it the first time but how in the hell did he not have the common fucking sense not to do the shit again? I seriously can not comprehend the levels of dumb and entitled you would have to be to feel you can get away with this shit. The first time it happened must have just been the first

And I’ve been around and I can say that height doesn’t always equate to dick size. Sure, sometimes it does. But not always.

That apology is absurd. Even the start of it isn’t about him being sorry for cheating on his wife, but rather that because he is in a public position, it wasn’t a smart decision to cheat on his wife. I can’t fathom why his PR team didn’t read that line through and just go no as that just makes the whole thing feel so