Angela Helm
Ms. Bronner Helm is the Senior Editorial Director at Colorlines. Mouthy Black Girl. Rosalynn Carter Mental Health Fellow. Shea Butter Feminist. Virgo Sun, Aries Moon.

I’d watch this.

I am jealous. But I’ll just say “Congratulations!” to my fellow pirate instead of being a hater. I’m sure President Harvey has already asked him to make a contribution to the University. AHAHAHHAAHA

This is the cutest whitest thing I’ve ever seen! Do it Fla!!!!

This is a level of pettiness I can work with. lol

Lotta cheering and booing out there . I wonder what badge they earn for that? Probably a future police badge...


He is such an embarrassment. He’s just a terrible person. And every single person who voted for him is terrible person too.

I’ll buy it. After Girls Trip, that hilarious infomercial for EssenceFest under the guise of a movie, aired this weekend, I’ll make all my loot back, and then some, at next year’s Fest, easy!

I appreciate you not using curses in the header as it allows me to peruse all your articles when I’m at work. So gracias.

Tonight is going to be grand. Pregaming at the bar, fancy ass theatre where the seat recline and folks bring drinks and appetizers. Also the Ankh-Right is mad about this movie because weave, drinking sex and vacations! I shall mix their tears with my vodka! I also found out that this was being filmed in NO while I was

This is wonderful and brave. And true story for all the guys who are like, what about the menz: the only time I’ve been was to support a male friend who needed STI testing after finding out he’d had a partner who had a couple of people on the side. Planned Parenthood is good for everyone and keeps communities

I am fluent in High Cookie Elf, so please allow me to translate.

They brought her on for her expertise in cutting payroll costs.