Angela Helm
Ms. Bronner Helm is the Senior Editorial Director at Colorlines. Mouthy Black Girl. Rosalynn Carter Mental Health Fellow. Shea Butter Feminist. Virgo Sun, Aries Moon.

On gil’s back rests the sunken place.

Who the fuck was checkin on Gil’s sorry and self hatin ass? Christy handle your fucking man because he is out here reckless as fuck. I hate these backwards ass old heads go away.

Not a fair comparison. At least Rosa Parks was offered different accommodations on the same bus.

Since black people invented rock n roll, that’s when.

Hope the Secret Service recruit this dude asap; perfect person to guard POTUS.

When questioned about the incident the man said, “If only I had a gun in the other hand, I could have stopped myself.”

I heard an excellent take on this:

I think it was bait to ID white people in the comments

True. But it also meant that we didn’t have to hear a bunch of political jokes, which is pretty much what all of my favorite comedians have been relegated to recently.

I saw the special. Dave took me to the very edge of my comfort zone and I loved it. He is nothing short of an artist. I can understand people’s offense but I was there for the ride.

I love The Root and think Michael is a great writer. He’s acutely insightful, intelligent, has a sharp sense of humor, and a very nice turn-of-phrase. One of the best writers on the site. I happen to disagree with him on something, that’s all.

Could it also be subject matter? There are people who probably remember better than me, but I don’t Dave touched too much on gay/trans/LGBTQ issues on his show. I remember one video about a “gay world” (gay landscaper, gay DMV, etc) and “Ask a Gay Man” where an actual gay man would answer questions. But most of his