Older white men are killing themselves at astronomical rates. This is probably because the world as they knew it (and ruled it) is going bye-bye. Trump is of that generation.
Older white men are killing themselves at astronomical rates. This is probably because the world as they knew it (and ruled it) is going bye-bye. Trump is of that generation.
Or if they weren’t so inhumane.
Or New Jersey.
I don’t think I mentioned that he was shot two times in the story above.
But it was the employees (i.e., pilots, stewards, etc.) who were the most terrible to the black passengers (mostly female) who brought the cases to social media, media outlets like The Root and ultimately the NAACP. I’m all for anti-racist training for EVERYBODY, but clearly it should start with those who interact…
I don’t think the “boys were fine” but in this particular study, they didn’t face the same types of psychiatric disorders as the girls.
OK - I think you’re right. I wasn’t looking. Maybe I’m thinking more of their catalogue models. . .
Hachi rocks.
Me, knowing all my years of being a ho were finally about to pay off:
Hachi, you like family. No worries at all!
Nah. I always knew. As I black woman I could look at the hair. Her hair is definitely straightened or permed. It’s usually the hair that’s the giveaway. But not always...
THEY HAVE ON MAKE-UP. But you cute.
Maybe she feels as if she’s reached a level of maturity and as a female rapper, can speak on this. Or maybe she needs ratings for her new show.
John — back away from the computer! Seriously, if you feel so strongly about it what’s your name? Danielle bravely used hers. In what capacity were you there? Obviously another woman there felt the same way, so it’s not beyond the possibility that this man acted inappropriately. We’ve all been there. Instead of caping…
But why? Plenty of us in Harlem love Fela!!! Nah, you right. I had no good transition. . . lol
Not just talk about it but be about it.
No one can ascertain who did the “noose” thing (no one is fessing up)— so there’s no hate crime—and I doubt police will investigate further since the black lieutenant who they did this to said he didn’t think it was “racist.” I think the most they could get hit with is a misdemeanor for defacing property. But they got…
It’s a little ditty from this cool rap: https://thegrapevine.theroot.com/excellence-first-black-6th-grade-girls-slay-educatio-1819879169
It’s the money.