Angela Helm
Ms. Bronner Helm is the Senior Editorial Director at Colorlines. Mouthy Black Girl. Rosalynn Carter Mental Health Fellow. Shea Butter Feminist. Virgo Sun, Aries Moon.

Well you know lawyers are not known for being the most honest people in the world...

Let’s not go there with Nate Parker, bro.

Now that’s funny!

This is true. But I love ugly/cute animals and a manatee is def in that category.

This is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! Do it Fla!!!!

All day errrryday.

You mean president flip-flop?

I just added it. Thanks!

Well her mom is definitely black. Not sure how she identifies herself.

Stop it Yesha.

I was just talking about the numbers. There are 84 million black people in Brazil and I think about 30 million in the United States.

The first article noted that he was a man of many beefs. But going deeper is prolly not worth the time or resources. We’re not the police. It could be anyone, frankly.

Now stop it.

I was going to say the same — they’d be broke if they did that!

No — she spoke JIVE! lol lol

Don’t be disrespecting fried chicken like that! (i.e., “yard bird”)

Well the story is that this negotiation between the legal teams had been going on months before 4:44 dropped. I think this has been going on for some time.

Well, after all your trouble/trauma, might as well get high to boot! ; )

Exactly, Flow. Fuck.