The commercial aired during the NLDS finale between the San Diego Padres and Los Angeles Dodgers on Saturday night.
The commercial aired during the NLDS finale between the San Diego Padres and Los Angeles Dodgers on Saturday night.
An upcoming Supreme Court ruling could redefine Blackness, which would affect both the census and many voting…
The Golden State Warriors forward spoke about the incident in the first installment of “The Countdown.”
A 40-page report on the Buffalo shooting claims platforms like 4chan and Twitch helped radicalize the alleged Tops…
Of the 20 arrests, 12 Floridians were registered as Democrats, and at least 13 were Black.
House Oversight and Reform Homeland Security committees are looking into the alleged misuse of funds in Jackson.
The Republican Senate candidate just ordered 1,000 imitation plastic law enforcement badges to give out at an event…
The Florida governor signed an executive order on Thursday extending early voting days for three Republican-leaning…
The stage of Georgia has already seen almost 65,000 voting challenges this year alone from Republicans
The Georgia Republican candidate claimed the Atlanta Press Club debate on Sunday was a "sham."
The group believes that Amendment 3 will prevent minorities from entering the cannabis industry as currently written.
He put on quite the show for the officers who responded to his call.
Akron Police Chief Steve Mylett says that staff shortages is the reason for the move.
The former congresswoman and presidential candidate made a loud declaration that she's leaving, but truth be told—…
Some believe the White House's executive order will begin to heal the damage of Nixon's War on Drugs over-policing…
In the close race between Democratic nominee John Fetterman and his Republican opponent Dr. Mehmet Oz, Black voters…
The city allowed Dr. Albert Kligman to conduct experiments on over 300 Black inmates at Holmesburg Prison.
The lawsuit originated from a 2020 traffic stop involving two Windsor officers and Army lieutenant Caron Nazario.
The Georgia senator also reiterated his pro-choice stance regarding a women's right to choose.
Black residents in the towns of Dunbar and River Park say they were the last to get power and the relief centers are…